Eye of the Storm #47479 — 13 Feb 2021 • 19:26 —
Character Blows Deaths HKs Bonus HP Damage Healing 🏳️ Captured
Firepoweer Player race icon Player class icon 21 3 37 100 210709 60339 1
Moonray Player race icon Player class icon 16 1 33 120 235428 160198 0
Sly Player race icon Player class icon 16 6 37 120 194394 23039 0
Shamiloko Player race icon Player class icon 11 7 41 100 225246 43855 0
Necrovision Player race icon Player class icon 11 1 46 100 315970 52972 0
Zambrokal Player race icon Player class icon 9 7 37 100 117876 1901 0
Asorath Player race icon Player class icon 9 4 24 100 113805 7658 0
Vild Player race icon Player class icon 9 2 53 100 160760 6685 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 7 3 33 120 120019 12933 0
Exam Player race icon Player class icon 6 7 27 120 166745 29570 0
Tinygoose Player race icon Player class icon 6 4 37 120 170515 18420 1
Flourish Player race icon Player class icon 5 9 24 100 124177 70429 2
Nanouka Player race icon Player class icon 5 5 25 100 66973 5484 0
Santapwns Player race icon Player class icon 5 11 32 100 331698 19523 0
Pinkmage Player race icon Player class icon 5 7 26 120 160998 7820 0
Drejper Player race icon Player class icon 5 2 38 100 100562 2263 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 4 7 31 100 120786 12679 0
Oripews Player race icon Player class icon 4 8 20 120 90897 18713 0
Stroka Player race icon Player class icon 3 13 11 120 274397 19070 0
Ajaam Player race icon Player class icon 3 8 15 120 95516 26107 1
Sissi Player race icon Player class icon 2 16 29 120 93230 4750 0
Rexton Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 14 80 18640 0 0
Koosha Player race icon Player class icon 1 3 18 120 14002 148602 5
Macariza Player race icon Player class icon 1 0 5 40 12486 12807 2
Orchiid Player race icon Player class icon 1 1 36 120 17744 180097 1
Tharyel Player race icon Player class icon 1 2 45 100 10624 289226 0
Slipperyeel Player race icon Player class icon 0 0 0 20 0 0 0
Kdpdsd Player race icon Player class icon 0 5 9 60 34203 8966 0
[deleted] Player race icon Player class icon 0 6 31 100 3011 252914 1
Darkmaan Player race icon Player class icon 0 2 36 120 1260 341839 0
